- www.monyoughobituaries.com
Hosted at Tube City Online
- Post-Gazette
- Tribune-Review
- Mon Valley Independent
- Legacy.com (search any name, city, newspaper or keyword, or sign up for daily emails)
- Google: type this phrase in the Google search box: “site:google.com/newspapers “, followed by keywords, such as “wozniak obituary pittsburgh”.
- Google newspapers, if you know approximate dates.

How biased are your news sources? Why does that matter?
Click below to access newspapers:
Tube City Online (information, history and commentary)

McKeesport Regional Heritage and History Center
mckeesportheritage.org Located in Renzie Park, the center is a museum, meeting space and resource. Traveling exhibits and the ability to research old Daily News issues on microfilm are two additional highlights.
Historic Pittsburgh
Historic Pittsburgh has digitized maps, indexed city directories, images and film clips, census records, and more — mainly for the City of Pittsburgh. It’s the University of Pittsburgh’s Digital Research Library.Heinz History Center
The Senator John Heinz History Center consists of the History Center, Sports Museum, Fort Pitt Blockhouse, & Meadowcroft rock shelter. There are also archives available only by appointment.
Ancestry.com is a great resource for genealogical (family tree) and local history research, including city directories. Normally available only with a paid subscription, you can access many features while in the library (with your library card) for FREE.
- Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
- Ellis Island – American Family Immigration History Center
- Find a Grave.com — search local or national cemeteries by name or location
- The Genealogy Home Page
- Mormon Church’s Family History Library, with training resources and local centers worldwide
- Pennsylvania Department, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
- Ships’ Passenger Lists
- Webpages by Stephen P. Morse
- Westmoreland County: e-Services Public Searches

- Academy of Natural Sciences
- ACS Middle School Chemistry
- American Museum of Natural History
- Boundless — easy to understand topics in math, science and more
- Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
- Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy
- Carnegie Museum of Natural History
- Carnegie Science Center
- Sci-Starters
- Endangered Species
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Museum of Science and Industry
- NASA Hubble
- NASA Mars Exploration Program
- NASA Solar System Exploration
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- National Science Foundation
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Scirus
- Smithsonian
- This Week’s Sky at a Glance
- U.S. Naval Observatory – Data Online
- Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History