How to File for Free

If filing online, be SURE to use a verified free site.  There are many unreliable and deceptive sites.

  • Obtain forms:
    Many forms are only online, but we carry limited quantities of federal forms (such as 1040).
    We can look up and print any online State and Federal forms (such as PA-40, PA-1000 Rent Rebate) for 15 cents per page.
  • Use our computers to file:
    We can assist in getting you logged in to an official free filing site, but we do not offer filing advice.
When you file online, the sites lead you step-by-step if your return is not complicated.

Consumer Finance Protection Bureau
Save and Spend CFPB

Tax Forms & Sites

Official links for forms or contact information.


These offices often have forms, including rent rebate booklets, and they sometimes offer tax preparation assistance.

  • PA Senator Jim Brewster412-664-5200 … 201 Lysle Blvd. (in police station building). Carry state and federal forms.
    • Sometimes they offer free tax help.Call 2-1-1.
    • You can print Rent Rebate forms at their office. Booklets should be available by the beginning of March.
  • US Congressman Mike Doyle412-664-4049 … 627 Lysle Blvd. Do NOT carry state forms
  • PA Representative Austin Davis412-664-0035 … 627 Lysle Blvd. McKeesport, PA 15132.
    • Free tax help for seniors 2020. Call for appointment.